Wine Bar and Terrace

Authentic venue, immersive atmosphere


  • Estate and wine presentation
  • Guided tours on the slopes
  • Wine tasting
  • Wine shop
  • Event management

Wine tasting packages

  • Tasting packages of 6 and 8 type of wines.
  • At our wine tastings guests can get to know the estate, the characteristics of the various wines and the process of the production.
  • Scones and cold plates can be ordered to accompany the wines which we can provide upon prior request.
  • Our wine tastings are available in Hungarian and English.
  • Tasting packages contain quantities of 0.5 dl. We reserve the right to change the items of the packages.
  • The wine tasting lasts for approximately 2 hours.


We undertake the organization and execution of small and medium-sized family, friend, company events and team buildings, you can inquire at our contact details at the bottom of the page.

Wine Bar and Terrace

Celldömölk, Ság-hill, Kakasdomb 4242 hrsz. GPS position: N47.234373° E17.1085447°


Prior registration is required. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of the page and on the contact page.

Opening hours

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 12:00-20:00. We also welcome groups outside of the opening hours with prior registration.


Service according to individual needs. Starting price: HUF 5,900 / person.

Number of guests

Maximum number of guests 70. 30 indoor, 40 on the terrace.


Cheerful, relaxed, friendly atmosphere where you can disconnect = Happiness

Discover our wines from Ság hill!

Individual and group wine tasting, wine bar and wine shop service

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